We’ve talked about the drop in NFL ratings. But now we have a newcomer to the club with the NBA experiencing a 20-percent drop in ratings compared to this time last year. Some would point to the issue of star players resting for prime time games as the biggest reason for the public’s drop in interest.

Why? Because March Madness ratings are up more than 30-percent over this time last year. And based off the money being exchanged on this week’s college basketball betting lines, the ratings increase won’t be slowing down.

Listen to this debate and more on the latest episode of ‘Helmets and Heels’.

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<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">NBA ratings down, Colin Kaepernick, and more on <a href="https://twitter.com/HelmetsandHeels">@helmetsandheels</a>. <a href="https://t.co/voPSFiKJBr">https://t.co/voPSFiKJBr</a></p>— GuysGirl (@GuysGirl) <a href="https://twitter.com/GuysGirl/status/844320652337201153">March 21, 2017</a></blockquote><!-- [et_pb_line_break_holder] --><script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>


Is Colin Kaepernick being blackballed in the NFL?

1:02:04 time stamp
Colin Kaepernick has received his fair share of criticism since the decision to take a knee during the national anthem.

And now that we’re a couple weeks into free agency without a single team showing interest, some have accused the NFL of blackballing Kaepernick.



1:10:31 time stamp
March Madness ratings are up  more than 30 percent while NBA ratings have dropped 20 percent.

Is it because star players are resting during prime time games?

Is the league full of babies compared to other eras?

Or is it simply because we already know the teams who will be in the finals?


This Auto Repair Shop Has a Nail Salon Inside

1:54:55 time stamp
I hate going to auto repair shops with a passion. I know nothing about cars outside of if something goes wrong, I’m going to end up at the repair shop all day long.

Unless you live in the Philadelphia area because the “Girl’s Auto Clinic” offers manicures, pedicures and blowouts inside the shop while you wait for your car to be fixed.

Not only can you kill two birds with one stone, but founder of #sheCANic Patrice Banks helps women in the Philly area learn basic things about their cars like how to change a flat tire.

Here’s hoping she franchises the idea!


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Jeff Fisher fired, Lane Kiffin to FAU and Star Wars Rogue One preview on the latest ‘GuysGirl Show’

Jeff Fisher fired, Lane Kiffin to FAU and Star Wars Rogue One preview on the latest ‘GuysGirl Show’

Well it finally happened. Jeff Fisher was fired from the Rams and Lane Kiffin got another head coaching job and is headed to FAU. Learn why Jeff Fisher’s time was cut shorter than “expected” and why Kiffin’s new gig is actually good news. PLUS IT’S NEW STAR WARS MOVIE WEEK. Let’s preview the new addition to the fam, Rogue One, which hits theaters on Thursday.

read more

About The Author

Digital media creator, strategist, and problem solver. Founded GuysGirl in 2009 as a side hustle while working full time as an executive assistant at a logistics company. Flipped these opportunities into serving as EIC at a Void Magazine, radio broadcaster for 1010xl, sometimes TV cohost, and currently full-time problem solver for clients at Brumleve Brands.


Since 2009, GuysGirl has become the voice for the female fan covering national topics on major sports, entertainment, and their surrounding culture. Through our editorial features, radio, livestream and TV broadcasts, we promote the on and off the field lifestyle of the female fan.

First time here? We gotchu. 


everything is logistics digital dispatch blythe brumleve

GuysGirl owner, Blythe Brumleve, is a former sports and entertainment broadcaster who quit it alllllll in order to dedicate more time to her growing logistics marketing company, Digital Dispatch.

Each week she publishes 2-3 episodes helping logistics and supply chain companies shorten sales cycles, stand out from their competition, and skip the marketing bullsh*t.

Connect to Digital Dispatch: 


The GuysGirl blog has lead to a career in website development and growth marketing. Check out our industry-specific work over at the parent company site, Brumleve Brands: