NFL Draft: How Teams Rank and Assess Each Position
We’ve all seen the draft rooms that are bustling with activity on laptops and dry erase boards based off weeks and weeks of research. But it’s how each team ranks and assesses their team currently that determines how they execute their plan when it comes to draft day....
Why Mock Drafts are Garbage
By the time the NFL Draft rolls around, you've had countless mock drafts by so-called experts shoved down your throat that are designed to give insight as to what NFL front offices are thinking. Trouble is, they're almost always wrong. The consensus number one pick in...
Why Survivor Flip Cup is the Best Kind of Flip Cup
There aren’t many games that can get everyone involved with little chaos. Break the ice at your party with the drinking game survivor flip cup.
‘I’ll wear a ponytail but I’ve got to wear makeup’ says NFL’s first female referee
Working as an official in sports is one of the hardest jobs in the country. The cheers are faint when a call is correct, you can receive death threats when a call is wrong and the best day you'll ever have is when no one notices you're around. It's a tough work...
Forget alligators, this golf course in Australia has sharks
Growing up in Florida and working for several clubs, I've seen my fair share of mother nature meets golf. I’ve seen a pack of wild dogs and cats steal a golf ball right off the green. I’ve seen a hawk capture a fish only to be then hunted by nasty crows to have the...
The Myth of the Major Championship in Golf
When you think of the word "Major", most people refer to The Masters, U.S. Open, The Open Championship and the PGA Championship. But did you know that there is no governing body in the world of golf that determines what is, or isn't a Major Championship? In fact, the...
History of Opening Day
The crack of a wooden bat, the sound of the baseball hitting the leather glove during warm ups, how green the gas looks while it contrasts perfectly with the dark clay and bright white lines. No longer are these sounds from neighborhood kids or just a Spring Training...
How to Sneak into MLB Games
Obviously we can preface this "do this at your own risk" and "this may or may affect your rising ticket prices", but man, this guy's video how to sneak into a game, score a free beer and hotdog are kinda genius. Except for the whole stealing a ball from a kid part,...
A friendly reminder that Nationals Fans are sick of you doing the wave during games
Washington Nationals baseball fans have had it with fans doing "the wave" at games. And they have flyers to prove it. A few friends got sick of visitors attempting to do the wave at games so they went as far as to make a website and flyers given out to anyone seen...
A League of Their Own is the highest grossing baseball movie of all time
In a recent top 50 Sports Movie Factoids released by Sports Illustrated, it was revealed A League of Their Own is the most successful baseball movie of all time. Not Major League, Field of Dreams or even the more recent Moneyball. But the movie about a women-only...
5 Tips for March Madness Beginners From a Former College Cheerleader
Ed Note: March Madness is about to begin and for most avid NFL/MLB fans like myself, I know a bit about college basketball, but not as much as I should. Which is why we were extremely happy that college basketball fan and former cheerleader Bridget Siegel invited us...
Where did the term ‘WAGs’ come from and is it offensive to women?
You see it all over the internet: "THE TOP TEN HOTTEST WAGs EVERRRRRR. CLICK THIS LINK TO SEE THE SEXXXY PICTURES." That's the tagline many sports blogs on the internet use in order for you to click through a bunch of pictures easily find by going directly to Google....
It’s embarrassing how little NFL Cheerleaders are paid
Whether your NFL team is one of the 26 that has cheerleaders or not, it might be shocking to discover just how little these women are making. In fact, the most a cheerleader earns across the NFL is between $70-$150 per game. That includes mandatory public...
DIY Game Day Braid: Why this hairstyle can be your BFF
For most female sports fans, you're well aware that attending sporting events requires being outside in the elements for long periods of time. And when you are outside for a while, your hair tends to turn into a hot mess if you aren't brushing it every 15 minutes....
Watch Robin Williams’ Redsox Story in Good Will Hunting
The world lost a wonderful soul when Robin Williams passed away in late 2014. And while we've revisited some of our favorite memories over Williams' career, one that was left off was when Williams described missing Game 6 of the 1975 World Series in the Oscar winning...
Spring Training storylines every baseball fan should know
Tank-top tan lines, the smell of freshly cut grass, eating cracker jacks and throwing back a few cold ones is soon upon us. You may be rolling your eyes since most people as south as Georgia are currently experiencing snow, but fear not Spring is on the way. Spring...
Which MLB teams will surprise us like the Royals of 2014?
As we look towards the start of the 2015 MLB season, there are more than a few teams in the league that look as though they could be the surprise package of this year. It's probably fair to say not many baseball fans tipped Kansas City to make it to the World Series...
The real reason why Marshawn Lynch didn’t get the ball to end the Super Bowl
The day after the biggest game of the year, the talk of the town has been why Seahawks head coach Pete Carroll opted for a pass instead of using his beast of a running back Marshawn Lynch to punch it in for a game-winning touchdown. Except that play isn't as much of a...