On and Off The Field Culture

Since 2009, GuysGirl has become the voice for the female fan covering major sports, entertainment, and their surrounding culture. Through editorial features, radio and broadcasts, we promote the female fan lifestyle on and off the field.

First time here? We gotchu. 


Lauren Conrad debuts gorgeous Cinderella clothing line

Lauren Conrad debuts gorgeous Cinderella clothing line

Lauren Conrad, who will forever hold a place in my heart for her "Favorite position? CEO" moment has just teamed up with Disney for a Cinderella clothing line at Kohl's. From Lauren: Kohl’s and I started working with Disney a while ago on a few fun collaborations. I’m...

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It’s embarrassing how little NFL Cheerleaders are paid

It’s embarrassing how little NFL Cheerleaders are paid

Whether your NFL team is one of the 26 that has cheerleaders or not, it might be shocking to discover just how little these women are making. In fact, the most a cheerleader earns across the NFL is between $70-$150 per game. That  includes mandatory public...

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What if Disney Princesses had Instagram?

What if Disney Princesses had Instagram?

If Disney Princesses had Instagram and were, ya know, real and all, it would make my time spent on Insta incredibly more interesting. Check out the gallery below...                 Images via B for...

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DIY Game Day Braid: Why this hairstyle can be your BFF

DIY Game Day Braid: Why this hairstyle can be your BFF

For most female sports fans, you're well aware that attending sporting events requires being outside in the elements for long periods of time. And when you are outside for a while, your hair tends to turn into a hot mess if you aren't brushing it every 15 minutes....

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From Blogger to Broadcaster

I’ve been a fan all my life. Now I’m lucky enough to talk about it for a living.

My name is Blythe and I started my first sports blog in 2009 with little experience fueled by driven personality. Fast forward a few years and I’ve since parlayed a gig as a part-time blogger into a radio, TV and online broadcasting career.

Since starting GuysGirl when Blogspot blogs were all the rage, I taught myself WordPress, SEO, graphic design, user experience, analytics, email marketing, social media and more. I used this valuable experience at gigs such as an editor in chief at a print magazine, a radio host, TV commentator, podcaster and live digital broadcasting.

The future of media and how stories are told is constantly changing. And I’m here to show you how to turn a part-time blog into a full-time lifestyle change.