Before the season, I got a chance to tell you about a radio show that was unlike any other in the country that would soon be debuting.
Well after two weeks, it’s a good time to get you caught up on what’s been happening with the show since it started.
For those unaware, the radio show Helmets and Heels is held in Jacksonville, Florida and done at the stadium where the Jaguars play.
Based off research prior to the show, we found out we are the only all-female football radio show in the country.
The official image the Jacksonville Jaguars uses to promote the radio show, Helmets and Heels
Since our target audience is female, with men more than welcome to listen along, a lot of show segments are centered around the female fan.
That’s why they got your girl on it and the rest of the ladies who do a fabulous job day in and day out at the local 1010XL radio station.
Since the girls are around the Jaguars daily, they’re able to get locker room interviews, post game interviews and catch up on press conferences.
Getting these interviews have proven to be key, because the first two guests to give a breakdown of football 101, are actual players on the field.
Jaguars Linebacker Paul Posluszny giving us a breakdown of the linebacker position
Outside of player interviews, the show also touches gameday fashion, which we hit on this past week with the Johnny Bag, the clear bag that’s both durable and has a good way of hiding your items you don’t want anyone to see.
But one of our favorite parts of the show happens to the gossip segment which featured the infamous question of “would you or wouldn’t you with Johnny Manziel?”
The answers were spit with two girls saying “absolutely not” to the other two hosts (including myself) saying maybe back in college, but certainly not now.
Another show ritual has also been cemented in that we actually do wear heels during the broadcast.
During the first show, listeners were invited to see if they could pinpoint the shows to the host and the first person that did so correctly, won a pair of tickets to the next Jaguars game. An official twitter account was then started and it’s where we interact with followers before, during and after the show.
We’re giving away a pair of tix to Fridays preseason game vs Bucs on #HelmetsAndHeels! 1st to identify whos who wins
— Jessica Blaylock (@JessBlaylock) August 5, 2014
All in all, the show has been so much fun, it doesn’t even feel like work. I feel like each one of us are genuine friends first who happen to love talking about football, it’s just our conversations are broadcasted over the radio.
After our second night, taking post show selfies seems to be something we’ll do throughout the year
You can listen to the first and second show via the links below and if you wanted to bookmark so you can listen to future shows, the Jaguars have an archive page where all shows are loaded up the very next day.