On and Off The Field Culture

Since 2009, GuysGirl has become the voice for the female fan covering major sports, entertainment, and their surrounding culture. Through editorial features, radio and broadcasts, we promote the female fan lifestyle on and off the field.

First time here? We gotchu. 


Watercooler Sports: Roger Goodell and NFL Rule Changes

Watercooler Sports: Roger Goodell and NFL Rule Changes

Remember the episode of Breaking Bad where Walter White damn near destroys a multi-million dollar meth lab trying to kill a fly? The NFL and commissioner Roger Goodell displayed its own version of that this week when it announced its NFL rule changes, which, after...

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These Baby Animals of the NFL Will Make You Go AWWWW

These Baby Animals of the NFL Will Make You Go AWWWW

14 of the 32 NFL teams are named after an animal. Therefore, during the dead-time of the NFL offseason, we wanted to bring you the baby versions of each of those animals. Hit the jump to see the adorableness of baby Dolphins, Jaguars, and even Falcons! Miami Dolphins...

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Why Bill Simmons Will Succeed Anywhere He Goes

Why Bill Simmons Will Succeed Anywhere He Goes

Bill Simmons has finally been freed from the corporate chains of ESPN. After 14 years with the network, head honcho John Skipper announced last week that ESPN will not be renewing Simmons' contract when it expires in September. Going a step further, Skipper also...

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From Blogger to Broadcaster

I’ve been a fan all my life. Now I’m lucky enough to talk about it for a living.

My name is Blythe and I started my first sports blog in 2009 with little experience fueled by driven personality. Fast forward a few years and I’ve since parlayed a gig as a part-time blogger into a radio, TV and online broadcasting career.

Since starting GuysGirl when Blogspot blogs were all the rage, I taught myself WordPress, SEO, graphic design, user experience, analytics, email marketing, social media and more. I used this valuable experience at gigs such as an editor in chief at a print magazine, a radio host, TV commentator, podcaster and live digital broadcasting.

The future of media and how stories are told is constantly changing. And I’m here to show you how to turn a part-time blog into a full-time lifestyle change.