On and Off The Field Culture

Since 2009, GuysGirl has become the voice for the female fan covering major sports, entertainment, and their surrounding culture. Through editorial features, radio and broadcasts, we promote the female fan lifestyle on and off the field.

First time here? We gotchu. 


Wes Welker’s new job on Monday nights include diaper duty

Wes Welker’s new job on Monday nights include diaper duty

Wes Welker spent years catching touchdowns from future Hall of Famers in Tom Brady and Peyton Manning. But after suffering from repeated issues with concussions, his Monday nights look close to what many have experienced around the country. During Monday Night...

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NFL 2015 Week 1 in review: What was for real this week?

NFL 2015 Week 1 in review: What was for real this week?

Don’t get ahead of yourself. You just saw a stunning upset, or a blowout win when you were expecting a tight contest, or a great performance from a player you’d written off. But remember, it’s Week 1. So some of what you saw was just the rust of a new season, or a...

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NFL 2015 odds: Week 1 betting lines

NFL 2015 odds: Week 1 betting lines

There’s an old saying that there’s no such thing as bad publicity, but I have to seriously disagree after watching the NFL chase its own tail like a brain damaged rabid german shepherd all summer. The NFL desperately needs the season to start so fans will remember why...

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Who are the 2015 NFL playoff darkhorse teams?

Who are the 2015 NFL playoff darkhorse teams?

It seems that every season there is one or two teams that get into the playoffs that didn't make it the year before, or hadn't been in a while. Last season the Dallas Cowboys, Arizona Cardinals, Detroit Lions, Baltimore Ravens, and Pittsburgh Steelers all made that...

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From Blogger to Broadcaster

I’ve been a fan all my life. Now I’m lucky enough to talk about it for a living.

My name is Blythe and I started my first sports blog in 2009 with little experience fueled by driven personality. Fast forward a few years and I’ve since parlayed a gig as a part-time blogger into a radio, TV and online broadcasting career.

Since starting GuysGirl when Blogspot blogs were all the rage, I taught myself WordPress, SEO, graphic design, user experience, analytics, email marketing, social media and more. I used this valuable experience at gigs such as an editor in chief at a print magazine, a radio host, TV commentator, podcaster and live digital broadcasting.

The future of media and how stories are told is constantly changing. And I’m here to show you how to turn a part-time blog into a full-time lifestyle change.