For sports fans who prefer a slightly different take on furniture, try out this DIY collectible stadium seats frame designed for the home.
When the Jaguars constructed the world’s largest scoreboards back in 2014, hundreds of seats were removed in order to make room. And because the city of Jacksonville owns EverBank Field, the city government strangely decided to trash the removed seats instead of donating or offering them up for sale to interested buyers. However, knowing someone “on the inside,” I was able to rescue a few seats before they were shipped off to a local landfill.
Flash forward to 2016 and the Jaguars are renovating again—only this time they’re selling removed seats on their website for a cool $250.
While the Jag seats include a base like one of these, it doesn’t look all that attractive in the home. So, if you’d like to make a little upgrade, here’s a DIY my dad and I came up with.
-Three 2×4’s measuring about a foot larger than your seat measurements. For reference, the Jaguars list two stadium seats at 44″ W x 34″H x 16″D.
-4-8 smaller 2×4’s to connect the three larger 2x4s and the base of the seats. Size depends on your preference. Obligatory TWSS.
-Large screws/bolts to assemble wood frame and drill seats into the wood. I haven’t tried these but you should be able to find something comparable at your local hardware store.
–Artificial grass large enough to fit your frame.
-Staple gun and drill.
-Cold beer while you’re working. Optional but recommended.
Measure twice, cut once.
My dad made the frame. I drank beer and supervised.
He left me with the staple gun and said, “You’re on your own.”
*Grabs another beer*
After using a razor blade to cut the excess grass off, it was time to attach the seats and move this puppy inside.
*Calls Dad*
After we moved all 100lbs of this monster inside.
And now I get to use it for work meetings, photo ops and future video podcasting.
Side note: these may be the best pants I’ve ever owned.